Alternative protein-rich products are gaining popularity as consumers modify their diet to follow a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. This is where vegan, vegetarian and flexitarian diets come in, which aim to rely on non-meat and non-dairy protein intakes, setting their sights on foods and beverages of vegetable origin.
Among consumers, the intake of proteins is grounded mostly on aspirational matters and on criteria related to health and general wellbeing. Furthermore, no preferences generally exist between one source and the other, though they do value the efforts of food and beverage manufacturers to help them follow a more balanced diet. Here is where peanut and its derivatives are becoming basic ingredients in new product formulations, leveraging protein content claims on the packaging.
On the other hand, the preference for foods with high contents of vegetable proteins is also perceived as a healthy alternative to other traditional options to increase the energetic value. Moreover, as everyday meals become fragmented and new consumption moments emerge, the addition of peanuts or peanut butters to snacks makes more sense. Their high nutritional value and low sugar content make them more attractive options than other traditional snacks.